Will Apple be Able to Keep up with Android?

Views: 2587.

As most of know in the tech world, today is the day Apple announces the new iPhone 5. Let’s see how Apple is going to try and compete with Android. Will they catch up? Probably not since Apple has been in Android‘s shadow for the past year and half or so.

Let’s compare:

Bigger screen?Android has had 4.3″ – 4.8″ standard the last year or so.

4G, LTE?Android has had for almost TWO years.

NFC?Android has had for a while now.

Faster processor?Android carrys some of the fastest processors on the market.

More RAM?Android phones now carry up to 2GB (yes, TWO!) of RAM.
I’ll reiterate, let’s see how Apple is going to TRY and keep up with Android today. I doubt I’ll be too impressed with Apple‘s specs.


Let’s face it, Apple iPhone has the face of Fisher Price. I’m not a kid anymore. Android is for the big boys and girls.

1 Comment

  1. To be honest, none of the Apple fanboys are even aware of the Android facts, to those idiots all these are brand new in the market. *sigh*

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