Android is Beating Apple 3:1

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The latest numbers are in: Android is literally blowing Apple out of the water!

This word comes from Gartner, a top research firm for these sorts of things. Overall, within the last quarter, Android outsold iOS devices nearly three to one while capturing 64% of the worldwide market share. Samsung was the top dog accounting for 90M handset sales.

There is no denying Android’s dominance anymore. There is no way even the most rabid Apple fanboy can deny that iOS is in second place now. Android is winning.

This report by Gartner looked at the second quarter smartphone sales. That pegs the date range from April to June, which admittedly was a high point for Android while iPhone sales were starting to cool down. The Samsung Galaxy S III launched in late May, likely accounting for a good chunk of Samsung’s haul. It was a great quarter for Android and Samsung.

Gartner’s Q1 report notes similar rankings with Samsung and Android on top, too. At that time, Samsung had just overtaken Nokia as the top worldwide seller of mobile devices. Android was hovering around in the mid fifty percent range in the market share pie, and Apple had its second best iPhone quarter ever with 33M units sold (Apple sold 37M in the previous quarter). But now we have a clearer image and Android is securely positioned at the top of the mobile mountain.

This war is starting to heat up. If Android is so corrupted and so horrible as many claim it to be, then why are users flocking to Android still? My guess is that people like choice! Apple‘s systems is so locked down that users barely have the option to alter the phone to their pleasing. Apple better open its eyes before they lose too many customers to Android (if they haven’t already).


Source: TechCrunch


  1. lol yeah right you wish android to win but it’s not happening

    • I don’t know what reality you’re living in, but it IS happening. The numbers don’t lie. You have to think on a global perspective. Android is outselling iPhones in the masses.

      Think about it, only 1, yes ONE, iPhone is released every year. While on the other hand, you have 5-10 premium Android handsets being released each year from top manufactures like Samsung, Motorola, and HTC. Not to mention Androids always out beat Apple in the specs. iPhones always lag in hardware and features. I just read that the new iPhone most likely won’t even have NFC! And what do they have in RAM, like 512MB? HaHaHa! My Samsung Galaxy S3 has 2GB of RAM.

      Dude, I hate to break it to you, but the iPhone era is over. The same thing is going to happen to Apple as it did in the 90s, when users have choice they’re going to lean towards the opensource / manufacture choice where they can choose the phone that fits their needs. Not be forced into ONE product. Kind of like PCs, there are hundreds to choose from at any given moment, and each users needs are different. Some just need a PC for basic browsing, some need a better PC for more intense applications. Just like Android, the choice is yours.



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