Download Thunderstick 1.4.9 Gingerbread ROM for HTC Thunderbolt

Views: 2943.

For those who want to try another Gingerbread ROM for their HTC Thunderbolt, here is the Thunderstick 1.4.9 ROM. I tried this ROM and I personally didn’t like it. I didn’t like the cheap boot animations. I also didn’t like the font when you drag the notification bar down (you can see it in the 2nd picture below on the bottom it says “Thunderstick”)

Thunderstick wasn’t as snappy and responsive as Das BAMF. However, Thunderstick does offer OTA (over the air updates) so that was bonus. As soon as you install this ROM, version 1.5 will download and install. The update is about 50MB big. They fix a few issues.

Download the Thunderstick Gingerbread ROM :EDIT: I have removed the download link and removed the Thunderstick files from my server since this ROM is now old and I do not recommend it. I highly recommend the Das BAMF ROMs I have  been using. Please check out the message board for these files. :EDIT DONE:   for the HTC Thunderbolt on Verizon only.


  1. The moment das Bamf implements OTA is the moment they are the Kings of Tbolt roms (if they are not already)

    Tghe Transparent pull downs were very nice, but you can do that with some zip files on top of das Bamf.  I have to say a very strong showing here though.

    • I think they already are the kings of custom TB ROMs :-)

      Do you know when Das BAMF is going to allow OTA updates (if ever) and why they don’t now?

      Do you by chance have the link available to allow the transparent pull downs? I did like that feature on the Thunderstick ;-)

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