Month: July 2011 (page 1 of 3)

How I Lost 20 Pounds (non-paid testimony) with Healthy Trim

Healthy Trim

When I went in for my annual physical back in February / March, I weighed in at 179 lbs. Now I’m not saying that’s bad for a guy who’s 5’9″… but I could be in better shape. This is the most I have weighed, ever. I knew I had to do something and take action. I could not continue on this path of eating and...

Download Thunderstick 1.4.9 Gingerbread ROM for HTC Thunderbolt

HTC Thunderbolt Thunderstick Gingerbread ROM

For those who want to try another Gingerbread ROM for their HTC Thunderbolt, here is the Thunderstick 1.4.9 ROM. I tried this ROM and I personally didn’t like it. I didn’t like the cheap boot animations. I also didn’t like the font when you drag the notification bar down (you can see it in the 2nd picture below on the bottom it...

Root Your HTC Thunderbolt (Easy Method)

Root HTC Thunderbolt

This will root your HTC Thunderbolt so you can install custom ROMs. This will WIPE your Thunderbolt TWICE. I use My Backup Pro to backup all my applications and data. You can get a free 30 day trial from the app store. Download required files here. STEPS: 1. Install the HTC Sync Setup software. 2. Plug your phone into your computer and make sure...

HTC Thunderbolt Running Das BAMF 3.0 RC4.9 Gingerbread 2.3.4


There seems to be a little confusion with Das BAMF’s builds RC 4.9 and RC5. It seems RC5 would be a later built, but it’s not. RC5 was just a “preview”. If you’re looking to install a custom ROM and would like the latest as of today from Das BAMF, then you’ll want RC 4.9. Every one keeps saying this is the most...

Sad to See BlackBerry Fall This Fast


A group of investors gave RIM six months to turn their shares around or co-CEOs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie could lose their titles. I’m quite sad to see BlackBerry fall this fast. I remember I got my first BlackBerry when I was a senior in high school. I had the model with the scroll wheel on the side. I thought I was the coolest...

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